- Assocciate Researcher at the Institute of Physics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
- Head of the Rydberg Quantum Optics Lab
- This lab seeks to exploit the strong interactions that exist between highly excited atoms, also known as Rydberg Atoms, to tailor optical media that are non-linear down to the few-photon level.
- Member of the National Laboratory of Quantum Matter
Email: asaf@fisica.unam.mx
Phone: (+52 55) 56225000 ext. 2615
Marcos Moshinsky Bldg., Office 261, Instituto de Física, UNAM
Circuito de la Investigación Científica Ciudad Universitaria CP 04510 México, CDMX
Recent Papers
- High-Precision Frequency-Controlled Optical Phase Shifter with Acousto Optic Devices Opt. Lett. 49, 2525 (2024).
- Quantum Optics with Rydberg Superatoms J. Phys. Commun. 7 052001 (2023).
- Photon propagation through dissipative Rydberg media at large input rates Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033049 (2020).
- Observation of three-body correlations for photons coupled to a Rydberg superatom Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 103601 (2018).
- Correlations between interacting Rydberg atoms AIP Conference Proceedings 1950, 020001 (2018).
- Photon Subtraction by Many-Body Decoherence Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 113601 (2018).
- Free-Space Quantum Electrodynamics with a Single Rydberg Superatom Phys. Rev. X 7, 041010 (2017).
- Superfluid flow above the critical velocity Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 9070 (2017).
- Electromagnetically induced transparency of ultra-long-range Rydberg molecules Phys. Rev. A 96, 011402(R) (2017).
- Single-Photon Absorber Based on Strongly Interacting Rydberg Atoms Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 223001 (2016).
- Tailoring Rydberg interactions via Förster resonances: state combinations, hopping and angular dependence J. Phys. B 49 164001 (2016).
- Superfluid flow past an obstacle in annular Bose–Einstein condensates J. Phys. B 49 235301 (2016).
- Enhancement of Rydberg-mediated single-photon nonlinearities by electrically tuned Förster resonances Nat Commun 7, 12480 (2016).
- Versatile cold atom source for multi-species experiments Rev Sci Instrum 85, 113103 (2014).